Ciera Miller - Cosmetologist


I became a Cosmetologist after a long line of events occurred. It's something that I have always wanted to do but didnt have the guts to just do it. So I went down another career path and things didnt work out. So I believe God has me placed right where I'm supposed to be!

As any Cosmetologist will tell you, in the beginning its challenging; building a clientele, making yourself available at different times to fit ones needs. Once your clientele is established, the biggest challenge is BALANCE. Balance between work life, and home life. Knowing when to shut my work brain off and actually be home and enjoy time with my family instead of responding to texts and calls all hours of the day, seven days a week.

I couldn't exactly pin point one person who influenced me to become an entrepreneur. Some of it had to do with the lovely lady who used to do my hair. There is also a part of me who saw others working an 8-4 job, working on someone else's time and I just felt that I didnt want to be that person. I wanted to make my own decisions, work for myself, and do things at my pace.

Overall, my husband has really been my biggest supporter. He is always there to support me and pick up the pieces when needed. He doesn't mind that I work long hours, and that sometimes I'm not home to cook supper. He says, "do what you've got to do, it'll all work out one way or another". So having his support, is all I need.

I offer a variety of services in the salon. Not only do I offer your typical salon services such as cuts, color, wax, scalp treatment, highlight/lowlight, balayage techniques... I feel that I offer people a "safe place" to bring their emotions.

People trust me. Not only with their hair (and I'm SO glad they do), but they trust me with their lives and their children. I've been a shoulder and an ear to listen, for clients struggling with depression, divorce, death, cancer, loss of a child, etc. However, I've also been there for my clients during the most exciting times of their lives such as marriage, births of children, medical recovery, buying a new home, job changes, etc. I wouldn't have it any other way. I have a sincere love for my clients and I'll be there for them during the best, and I'll be there during the worst, all while making them feel beautiful.

The best advice I could give someone.... that's a hard question. I would say, trust yourself, trust your gut. Learn how to manage time and make yourself available for others. My instructor in Cosmetology school said to us, "Love what you do, and you'll never work a day in your life!"

*(And another quote that I love, because it's so so true!) "Never start a business just to "make money". Start a business to make a difference. - Marie Forleo